
You may be sure that when you get in touch with me, I’ll be working professionally and with complete confidentiality. 

Enquiry Form

    Strictly by Prior Appointment – Walk ins will not be entertained

    How to proceed to book : A 50% non refundable deposit is required by bank transfer to obtain the next available appointment.
    Please note that deposits are strictly non refundable (No exceptions whatsoever )
    When people pay a deposit they are showing their accuser that they are willing to prove them wrong. Sometimes this is enough to show the accuser that if they’ve paid the deposit, they must not be lying and then the accuser may tell them to cancel the lie detector booking. However, the client has still used our service as leverage to their advantage, and hence the deposit is non refundable. There are many other reasons that someone may pay a deposit but not go ahead with the booking. Whatever the reason, the deposit is strictly non refundable, regardless of whether an exact appointment date and time has been confirmed or not. If there is a no show, the company may invoice you for the balance 50%.